Phone: 07561794535


Custom Symbol Keyring

Symbols Included:

A custom keyring holding 10 symbols, measuring 70mm x 60mm each to meet your needs.




  • Symbol 1 *

  • Symbol 2 *

  • Symbol 3 *

  • Symbol 4 *

  • Symbol 5 *

  • Symbol 6 *

  • Symbol 7 *

  • Symbol 8 *

  • Symbol 9 *

  • Symbol 10 *

Product total

Options total

Grand total


A keyring holding 10 symbols, measuring 70mm x 60mm each to meet your needs,  great for teaching and developing an understanding of basic language, a great introduction to visual aids that can then progress to using communication systems as well as timetables, schedules and reward systems. Printed using Widgit Symbols on a Durable  plastic-based material these symbols last longer than laminated alternatives and provide value for money by offsetting time used to make the symbols, as well as longer life span reducing the requirement for symbols to be remade regularly due to wear and in the future.

Please complete the required fields with your choice of symbols you would like and I will send you a proofing document prior to dispatch to approve..