Phone: 07561794535


Individual CSCS Board

Symbols Included:

Our Categorized Symbol Communication System pack is developed to provide consistency and system compatibility using a number of AAC approaches



Board Details

  • Board Title *

  • Board colour *


  • Symbol 1 *

  • Symbol 2 *

  • Symbol 3 *

  • Symbol 4 *

  • Symbol 5 *

  • Symbol 6 *

  • Symbol 7 *

  • Symbol 8 *

  • Symbol 9 *

  • Symbol 10 *

  • Symbol 11 *

  • Symbol 12 *

  • Symbol 13 *

Product total

Options total

Grand total


Our Categorized Symbol Communication System pack is developed to provide consistency and system compatibility using a number of AAC approaches, the primary system is based on symbol exchange communication allowing users to exchange a symbol or build a sentence in order to communicate with others, This is our primary aim to support development of communication skills.

We are aware that symbols do go missing from exchange systems from time to time, this caused us concern as if someone is non verbal and loses their only way to communicate something, this is not only disabling their progress but can be upsetting as source of frustration and concern to the person using the system, as they have lost that ability to communicate to others, to overcome this we have developed the communication storage boards with a copy of the symbols printed on, in the event of a symbol going astray the person using the system will always have a back up of the symbol they can point to to make themselves understood.

The layout of this board is also designed to be able to mimic communication apps as well as developing skills for categorisation, With technology becoming ever more prominent and able to offer more advanced communication systems, the skills to communicate including being able to know where a symbol is located easily is essential, we have developed these boards so that users can start developing the categorisation skills required as well as by planning the sheets along side AAC apps allows the user to also develop muscle memory skills to find the symbols easier, contributing to a smoother transition between physical and digital systems.